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Help us help adult learners.

We need your help!

A tax-deductible donation will help make it possible for us to provide our adult learners with the most effective and up-to-date educational materials available. There is a desperate need to help those affected by illiteracy. Your gift helps the Florence Area Literacy Council’s efforts to improve the lives of so many adults in need of literacy services.


A donation of:


Remove a barrier to education and provide bus passes for 8 students to get to and from class for 22 weeks of instruction.


Ensure a student has the opportunity to read,  provide textbooks for 2 adult literacy learners


Give 5 students a current events newspaper each week for a year that improves reading and critical thinking skills


5 students headphones, pencils, notebooks, and folders for their day to day classwork.

We accept donations of equipment and in-kind services.

Support with the donation of time and encourage your employees to volunteer!
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