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Give the Gift of Reading to an Adult Learner!

Give Monthly and become a FALC Literacy Leader.
Subscribe to become a sustaining giver.

33% of the adults in Florence County are functionally illiterate and do not read above a 5th grade level.
Many can’t read at all.

Reading prescription dosage instructions, understanding and completing a job application, reading a bedtime story or helping their children with homework assignments can become difficult and embarrassing tasks.


Children, families and the community feel the impact.  Low literacy is at the heart of many social problems and conquering illiteracy opens doors to opportunity and success for adult learners.


Ensuring that adults in Florence County have a quality literacy program available is an important step towards decreasing health and welfare costs, improving parental involvement in schools, improving children’s school performance and reducing crime rates.

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We focus on improving the academic skills of our learners. Improve your education today!


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Make an impact on the life of an adult learner. Interested in becoming a volunteer?

Contact us today!



Your support provides access to education for adult learners. Make a difference.

Donate to change a life.

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